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Out of the Box: Balmuda


We work with some pretty cool retailers, so we decided to launch our very own series of unboxing videos, showcasing some of the innovative designs from our partners—from consumer electronics to sporting goods and more.

First up is the Balmuda toaster . Balmuda is a Japanese small appliance company that recently launched in the United States, much to my delight. I’ve been eyeing their beautifully designed toaster and kettle for awhile now. 

They chose to partner with Clyde to offer their customers extended warranties at the point of sale (and are already seeing an impressive attachment rate above 20%). One of the reasons that we love Balmuda is their focus on the customer experience, which very much aligns with our focus at Clyde. I was impressed with Balmuda’s website, which features recipes, how-tos, technical specifications, and beautiful imagery. I purchased my toaster (with a Clyde protection plan, of course) and received it only two days later.


A Clyde call-to-action on Balmuda's site

One of the many cool things about the Balmuda toaster is that it took over two thousand design iterations to arrive at the final product. Balmuda uses steam heat to create toast that is crisp on the outside, yet moist and chewy on the inside. The toaster has five distinct settings for different types of bread, including sandwich bread mode, artisan bread mode, pastry mode, and even pizza mode. Anyone who has ever tasted the floppy disaster that is reheated microwaved pizza can appreciate this setting.

As far as the unboxing goes, the product was packed beautifully and securely, and I was able to unpack and assemble it within minutes (without reading the instruction manual, no less). I’m a  fan of anything that intuitive. 

The final result was crunchy without being dry, which I enjoyed with some butter and jam. If you’re currently working on your cooking skills, as many of us are, I highly recommend this product. Now excuse me while I make some nachos.